Essential Grammar 시즌 2 강의+교재 패키지

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차시 강의내용 시간 강의보기
1강 Present continuous (I am doing) 17분 27초
2강 Present simple (I do) 23분 5초
3강 Present continuous and Present simple 1 18분 23초
4강 Present continuous and Present simple 2 18분 53초
5강 Past simple (I did) 28분 48초
6강 Past continuous (I was doing) 19분 54초
7강 Present perfect (I have done) 20분 20초
8강 Present perfect 2 ( I have done) 19분 16초
9강 Present perfect continuous (I have been doing ) 20분 7초
10강 Present perfect continuous and simple (I have been doing and I have done) 20분 7초
11강 How long have you (been)…? 23분 45초
12강 for and since / when…? / and how long…? 21분 35초
13강 Present Perfect and Past 1 (I have done and I did) 19분 15초
14강 Present Perfect and Past 2 (I have done and I did) 21분 48초
15강 Past perfect (I had done) 17분 44초
16강 Past perfect continuous (I had been doing) 19분 8초
17강 Have and have got 20분 10초
18강 used to (do) 20분 12초
19강 Present tenses (I am doing/I do)for the future 22분 45초
20강 I’m going to (do) 20분 38초
21강 Will and Shall 1 21분 18초
22강 Will and Shall 2 23분 3초
23강 I will and I’m going to 18분 26초
24강 Will be doing and will have done 18분 10초
25강 When I do and when I’ve done / if and when 21분 43초
26강 Can, Could and (be) able to 26분 45초
27강 Could (do) and could have (done) 20분 21초
28강 must and can’t 20분 32초
29강 may and might 1 23분 41초
30강 may and might 2 23분 12초
31강 have to and must 28분 32초
32강 Must mustn’t needn’t 25분 33초
33강 Should 1 23분 41초
34강 Should 2 28분 2초
35강 I’d better… it’s time… 27분 18초
36강 would 28분 52초
37강 can / could / would you…? 26분 51초
38강 if I do… and if I did… 23분 15초
39강 if I knew… I wish I knew… 24분 44초
40강 if I had known… I wish I had known… 25분 7초
41강 wish 26분 25초
42강 Passive 1 (is done/ was done) 26분 55초
43강 Passive 2 (be done / been done / being done) 28분 44초
44강 Passive 3 26분 30초
45강 it is said that…he is said to… he is supposed to… 21분 8초
46강 have something done 23분 4초
47강 Reported speech 1 (he said that…) 20분 27초
48강 Reported speech 2 25분 12초
49강 Question 1 25분 0초
50강 Question 2 25분 53초
51강 Auxiliary verbs (have / do / can etc.)I think so / I hope so etc. 23분 49초
52강 Question tags (do you? isn’t it? etc.) 21분 15초
53강 Verb + -ing (enjoy doing / stop doing etc.) 28분 1초
54강 Verb + to… (decide to… / forget to… etc.) 24분 29초
55강 Verb(+ object) + to… (I want you to…) 24분 30초
56강 Verb + - ing or to … 1 ( remember, regret etc.) 24분 58초
57강 Verb + -ing or to… 2 (try, need, help ) 21분 46초
58강 Verb + -ing or to… 3 (like / would like etc. ) 23분 33초
59강 prefer and would rather 27분 0초
60강 Preposition (in / for / about etc.) + -ing 27분 0초
61강 Be / get used to … (I’m used to) 20분 15초
62강 Verb + preposition + -ing(succeed in –ing / insist on –ing etc.) 25분 22초
63강 there’s no point in -ing, it’s worth -ing etc. 21분 58초
64강 to… , for … and so that… 26분 0초
65강 Adjective + to … 20분 9초
66강 to … (afraid to do) andpreposition + -ing (afraid of –ing) 23분 12초
67강 see somebody do and see somebody doing 20분 27초
68강 -ing clauses (He hurt his knee playing football) 25분 23초
69강 Countable and uncountable 1 27분 38초
70강 Countable and uncountable 2 28분 48초
71강 Countable nouns with a/an and some 25분 59초
72강 a/ an and the 28분 32초
73강 The 1 27분 22초
74강 The 2 (school / the school etc.) 27분 31초
75강 The 3 (children / the children) 28분 3초
76강 The 4 (the giraffe / the telephone / the old etc.) 28분 33초
77강 Names with and without the 1 26분 31초
78강 Names with and without the 2 21분 26초
79강 Singular and plural 28분 10초
80강 Noun + noun ( a bus driver / a headache) 27분 52초
81강 -’s (your sister’s name) and of … (the name of the book) 28분 7초
82강 myself / yourself / themselves etc. 25분 26초
83강 a friend of mine my own house on my own / by myself. 28분 18초
84강 there ... and it … 26분 22초
85강 some and any 23분 44초
86강 no / none / any nothing / nobody etc. 28분 38초
87강 much, many, little, few, a lot, plenty 28분 28초
88강 all/all of most/most of no/none of etc. 22분 43초
89강 both/both of neither/neither ofEither/ either of 25분 18초
90강 all every whole 26분 12초
91강 each and every 25분 38초
92강 Relative clauses 1 : Clauses with who / that / which 19분 26초
93강 Relative Clauses 2 : Clauses with and without who / that / which 27분 24초
94강 Relative clauses 3 : whose / whom / where 27분 20초
95강 Relative clauses 4 : Extra information clauses (1) 22분 28초
96강 Relative clauses 5 : Extra information clauses (2) 18분 6초
97강 -ing and -ed clauses (the woman talking to Tom, The boy injured in the accident) 18분 5초
98강 Adjectives ending in -ing and -ed 21분 16초
99강 Adjectives: a nice new house, you look tired 22분 31초
100강 Adjectives and adverbs 1 (quick/quickly) 23분 5초
101강 Adjectives and adverbs 2(well, fast, late, hard/hardly) 24분 54초
102강 So and such 22분 57초
103강 Enough and too 18분 12초
104강 quite, pretty, rather and fairly 20분 52초
105강 Comparative 1 (Cheaper, more expensive etc.) 19분 2초
106강 Comparative 2 (much better / any better etc.) 19분 13초
107강 Comparatives 3 (as... as / than) 17분 43초
108강 Superlative (the longest/ the most enjoyable etc.) 20분 30초
109강 Word order 1 : verb + object;Place and time 17분 55초
110강 Word order 2 : adverbs with the verb 20분 48초
111강 still anymore yet already 25분 40초
112강 even 21분 39초
113강 Although / though / even though / in spite of despite 18분 3초
114강 Adjectives and adverbs 2(well, fast, late, hard/hardly) 18분 49초
115강 Unless As long as Provided 18분 56초
116강 as (as I walked… / as I was… etc.) 22분 43초
117강 Like and as 24분 59초
118강 like / as if 22분 44초
119강 during / for / while 22분 48초
120강 by and until / by the time… 25분 25초
121강 at / on / in (time) 22분 25초
122강 on time and in timeat the end and in the end 21분 53초
123강 in / at / on (position) 1 21분 32초
124강 in / at / on (position) 2 22분 57초
125강 in / at / on (position) 3 22분 15초
126강 to, at, in and into 26분 29초
127강 in / on / at (other uses) 21분 35초
128강 by 25분 45초
129강 Noun + preposition (reason for, cause of etc.) 21분 35초
130강 Adjective + preposition 1 23분 11초
131강 Adjective + preposition 2 28분 21초
132강 Verb + preposition 1 to and at 27분 15초
133강 Verb + preposition 2about / for / of / after 24분 3초
134강 Verb + preposition 3 about and of 26분 24초
135강 Verb + preposition 4of / for / from / on 23분 18초
136강 Verb + preposition 5in / into / with / to / on 22분 9초
137강 Phrasal verbs 1Introduction 24분 32초
138강 Phrasal verbs2 in / out 23분 3초
139강 Phrasal verbs 3out 22분 11초
140강 Phrasal verbs 4on / off (1) 20분 39초
141강 Phrasal verbs 5on / off (2) 19분 53초
142강 Phrasal verbs 6up / down 23분 23초
143강 Phrasal verbs 7Up (1) 18분 22초
144강 Phrasal verbs 8up (2) 25분 55초
145강 Phrasal verbs 9away / back 19분 11초

[교수님] 이지경

주요 약력

-한국외국어대학교 교육대학원 영어교육 석사 졸업
-캐나다 St.George International College Tesol
-TOEIC Speaking & Writing Propell Certificate, ETS

現) YBM신촌센터 1위 초초강추팀 오픽 전문 강사
現) 영어교육채널 교육방송 재능TV 대표 영어강사
Herald Language Institute 영문법/영작
Cambridge 교재 전문 대표강사
육군사관학교 초청 특강
고려대학교 초청 특강
한림대학교 초청 특강
대한항공 초청 특강
외국계투자기업 채용 박람회 초청 특강

주요 저서



[동영상 강의교재] English Grammar in use 5/e with Answer ebook

교재명 English Grammar in use 5/e with Answer ebook
저자 Cambridge University Press
교재비 35000
ISBN 9781108586627

Essential Grammar in Use  


1. 소개

English Grammar in Use 는 중급 학습자들이 자가 학습 및 수업시간에 활용할 수 있는 교재입니다. 명료한 설명과 충분한 연습문제들을 통해 중,고급 학습자들은 자신의 수준에 필요한 모든 문법 영역을 학습할 수 있습니다. 해당 유닛의 핵심 문법을 왼쪽 페이지에서 학습하고 그에 대한 연습문제를 오른쪽 페이지에서 풀어보는 대면식 구성을 통해 학습한 내용에 대한 즉각적인 피드백이 가능합니다. 전 세계의 수백만 학습자와 교사들을 통해 검증된 문법을 바탕으로 학습자들은 실생활에서 실제로 사용하는 최신의 유용한 문법을 학습할 수 있습니다.

2. 주요 특징

* 145개의 단원을 통해 중급 학습자들에게 꼭 필요한 실생활 문법학습 가능
* 본인에게 학습이 필요한 단원이 어디인지 파악할 수 있도록 진단해 볼 수 있는 교재 뒷면의 Study Guide 제공
* 교재 뒷면의 추가 연습문제를 통한 학습 문법 복습
* 모든 연습문제 정답지 제공 

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